
does it get any better than this?

So I think I have had a wheat allergy for about a year now. And when I say I think, that basically means I saw my voo-doo doctor {a.k.a. a naturopath} last October for some weird kind of allergy testing, and she said that my body did not like wheat. So I gave up wheat then and there, and have avoided it for the most part until now. 

Now my friends I am getting legit testing done. Which means I have to have gluten in my system for a week. Which means I get to eat whatever I want. Ah, paradise. After my doctor's appointment sister and I headed to the grocery store and stocked up on all things delicious and wheat filled. I felt like a kid in the candy store, my sister just mocked me. Red velvet  cake ice cream!?! The things I have been missing out on. For those of you who enjoy wheat on a daily basis, seriously don't take it for granted. It's sooo good.  


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